A podcast is a recurring show, usually having two or more people in conversation with one another. Primarily an audio format, podcasts make for great information capsules and are among the fastest growing forms of digital media. Popular podcast platforms are Spotify, YouTube, Apple podcasts and Amazon Music. Learn more about them here
A well made Podcast can be a great low-cost marketing tool. Use it to draw attention to a cause or industry, grow social media following, network with industry experts, or just build a devoted community of fans. Read more about how companies can benefit from podcasts here.
The podcast is likely to find interest among groups of people that are within your target audience. While podcasts can be a great way to generate leads / sign-ups, most companies prefer to use it as a way to share thought leadership, expand business networks & build loyal communities. Write to us to understand Podcast ROI better.
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Comprehensive: Launch a dazzling podcast for your brand and build an audience
Time-saver: Become sponsors to amazing podcasts and amplify your branding